Custom Metal Fabrication

Renton, Washington

Gallery > Artifacts > Archery and Costume


This is my Renaissance Fair garb.

In the Ren Fairs I was James Blackhawk a second son of a Sergeant of the guard for the Duke of Northumberland.

The bow is a 100 lb pull Martin ML-14. It has a nasty habit of putting arrows clean through almost anything they hit.

Even though I was power lifting at the time it still took 3 solid months of work to be able to take the bow to full draw.

Frightening amount of power in a 100 lb bow.

The arrows are self-nocked, 4 fletched port orford cedar, splined for 100 lbs +. I am afraid the arrows are now worth more than the bow since such shafts appear to be no longer available.

My target arrows had to be full blunts or the arrows would rip right through any bales I shot into. Going through the bales wasn't in itself bad, but it had a nasty habit of tearing my fletchings off.

I still have the bow, and should either work back up to shooting it or sell it. It glares at me most accusingly from its shelf.

The hunter's coat is made of chamois leather swatches stitched to a leather jacket.